This is the fourth blog I will be writing on, And I am running short on time to keep them all updated but what drove me to start this one is a view of an opportunity.
What is the opportunity?
Today the end customer/home user is getting swarmed, by technology products which are , well hard to implement & integrate. You are wondering what I am talking about well let me explain, there are a lot of technology products that are entering the realm of the house, moving forward there is going to be a huge drive, putting tech products into the house, "the –Original Apple Dream – as indicated in the book Oddesey was to put the power into the hands of the end user/the home user…looking at them as the prime customer, SURPRISE after two decades of that "belief" it is coming true, today technology products & solutions are more & more focussed on the home customer. Yes still the vendors make a bulk of their money from Enterprises, but the focus is now on the home & the home user.
Well no surprise than is that the home customer is facing a great series of problems, this starts from identifying the need, to picking the right solutions that matches the need , than moving on to finalise on the ideal one given price/performance – Cost/Benefit etc, well you would think once they get past all this they would done, no think again, now they would have to integrate it into a plethora of their other systems./ networks etc etc…..the nightmare continues….YES not every one is a GEEK.
Given this condition, how would anybody go about buying and technology product and even if they did would they even try and leverage it fully given the amount of troubles that have to be braved.
That’s what I am trying to address here.
Simply put the mission of this blog is to "Identify cool stuff (technologies/products/solutions), Pick the best, Help you integrate it into your lifeflow and most importantly to help lead SMART LIVES."